Quick Overview
In our Western culture which focuses on individualism, it is not easy to know how to properly give and graciously receive a genuine compliment. This is frequently misunderstood and viewed as flattery. Yet there is a vacuum that God created in the human heart for altruistic affirmation, and Jesus shows us a powerful example of that. However, this God-given gift of affirmation is often counterfeited by the great deceiver. He counterfeits such affirmation which brings glory to God with false flattery which manipulates and inflates human ego.
In Christ's Way of Affirmation you learn how to follow His example of embracing altruistic affirmation and how to shun the ulterior motives of flattery. Let Jesus guide and empower you in this needed ministry of affirmation that is an overflow of His agape love. Let Him enable you on this exciting journey to build up the body of Christ and to advance His Kingdom.