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Christmas in My Heart Number 30

Christmas in My Heart Number 30

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The Final Chapter!

When Dr. Joe Wheeler wrote his first Christmas story 32 years ago, he didn’t realize God was setting him up to develop the longest running Christmas story series in America. Book 30, the last of the series, is a collection of Dr. Wheeler’s own stories from books 1–27, plus two new stories.

A couple of years ago, a traumatic brain injury resulting from a stairway fall nearly brought the series to a halt with volume 27—but not before about a million Christmas books were ensconced in homes and libraries around the world. During his recovery, Dr. Wheeler has turned his eye toward the impact of stories on families.

I've been rereading the stories God and I have cowritten over the years, belatedly discovering that they focus on love, marriage, and the family! Perhaps, God is orchestrating (behind the scenes) a spiritual rebirth of love, marriage, and the family—and this book could be part of it.
—Joe L. Wheeler

This collection promises to bring warmth and inspiration to your home, as well. Find a quiet, cozy corner and lose yourself in the radiance of the Advent season, one story at a time.

Since we have now—after thirty long years—come full circle, it is fitting that I dedicate this final book in the Christmas in My Heart® series (and the series itself) to the remarkable woman whose voice dominates the soundtrack of my childhood. Who more could deserve this particular dedication than the woman who home-schooled me for fourteen of the first sixteen years of my life: my beloved mother—Barbara Leininger Wheeler.