Under-thirty-five year olds make up more than fifty percent of church membership. Tragically too many are walking away. But the greater tragedy is that they see no reason to stay. With a heart for young people, Dr. Jan Paulsen, then General Conference president invited hundreds of young people to talk with him about issues important to them. Through the Let s Talk broadcasts on Hope Channel, young people from Cameroon to the Caribbean, Australia to Germany, engaged in dialogue with Dr. Paulsen on issues of diversity, women in ministry, politics, homosexuality, and Ellen G. White, to name a few. This book distills the best of those conversations. But it is more than just a record of a seven-year conversation. Let s Talk is a starting point for a cross-generational dialog within your own family, school, and church. Conversation Starters at the end of each chapter provide questions and ideas to stimulate thought and discussion. As I look back, I m struck by the richness, beauty, and balance of what young Adventist men and women have taught me. Through our conversations, I continually met my Master Teacher who never tired of teaching and re-teaching me the immense value of every person for whom He died. For that, I love Him more than I can describe, and I love the young people of this church who ve helped me understand that this is the most important lesson of all. So what are you waiting for? Let s Talk!